Service delivery value chain has experienced major transitions in the past few years. The rigidness of telcos and their over-dependence on traditional telecom solutions has caused them to lose their dominant position in the value chain.
Service delivery value chain has experienced major transitions in the past few years. The rigidness of telcos and their over-dependence on traditional telecom solutions has caused them to lose their dominant position in the value chain.
Cloud-based computing has been particularly rewarding for the IT sector. Its ability to cut down on TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) has been the biggest driver for its mass employment by different companies. But there are other benefits of cloud platform as well, especially for the highly-competitive telecom industry.
If your MNVO wants to have any chance of success, you need to have an excellent OCS to charge your customers accurately and regularly.
One of the biggest hurdles that MNVOs face is the fact that they are constantly having to prove their worth. People are still used to working with bigger telecom companies and might be suspicious of an MNVO.
It’s expected that by the year 2020, the worldwide MVNO market’s going to be worth $73 billion, and the subscriber number will exceed 300 million, with its CAGR at 10%. One of the things that gives the MVNOs an edge over the MNOs is things like:
If you have an MVNO , you might want to know what you can do to so that your MVNO is higher in the list of MVNOs and that you can compete profitably. One of the best ways that you can do this is through partnering with a BSS/OSS. Below are some things that you want to look for in an BSS/OSS.